Friday, May 3, 2019

Organizational Behavior Final Project Research Paper

Organizational Behavior Final Project - query Paper ExampleOrganization culture deals with the code of work, belief and skills perspective in the organization and defines how things atomic number 18 done in the organization (Baker 2). In general, organizational culture is created to encourage the collective role by all the employees to get hold of congeal objectives and goals (Madu1). The leadership style used dictates the type of organizational culture in an organization. For a leader to develop a proper organizational culture, they first impose their, standards, expectations, beliefs and standards to the other employees to be applied in the organization. As leadership ideas become sh atomic number 18d, and embedded in the organizations operations, the employees develop skills signals and work morality as required. Proper culture can develop into deep into the organization, and if it is fully integrated, can lead to occupancy success. This culture takes two trains of existenc e, and the first level deals with organizational behavior and artifacts. This relates to behavior that can be physically observed in the organization including the layout of organization environment, dressing code and the general behavior of people. The second level of organizational culture involves expressing the values of the organization that are not physically observable, but are turn out in the general operations of the organization. For instance, the way the organizations related to the overlaps and customers also is reflected by the organizational culture. Organizations can set their standards to become customer oriented in the operations, and through this, products and services are be tailored to meet the specific needs of customers (Madu 3). Organizational cultures can be evaluated on whether or not they are legal at a time when the organization is facing a crisis. If the culture is incapable of handling the crisis at that time, then the leadership needs to change their culture to handle it (Haworth 1). Furthermore, organizational culture plays a really important role in organizations, and in many cases, it provides direction to the organization. This organizational culture provides employees with what is desired from them, and how they are to present themselves, or behave in the workplace environment. It also provides employees with a sense of communication in the organization, and in most cases it with a chain of command to be followed. It also provides a sense of roam in the organization, and leadership together with the staff can be able to know how their roles and how they are to hand this in organizations. Culture in an organization allows for strategic innovation of products and services, and shows, which methods organizations can follow either product centered or market centered approaches. Organizational culture provides management with a means of managing the workforce in the organization, and helps set the roles and tasks for each m ember of the staff (Tharp 3). Organizational culture is very important in managing organizational change, which may arise either internally or externally. This organizational change enables the management to get on competitive advantage from

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