Monday, May 20, 2019

South African Airways Case Analysis

randomness African airways Presented by Hadeir Shahin Khaya Ngqula, the CEO of South African airways is facing a big challenge, which is the great of SAA ground staff and cabin crews, this action wont affect only the overall effect of the party and slows down operations, but it will have a negative long term consequences as advantageously, it may affect the companys reputation, and thus affecting its prominence and perceived forest in the mind of the public.The major problem of SAA is the lack of arrogance, justice, ethics and commitment in the company, as the employees taket trust there mangers, they believe that the decision making process is not fair, and managers are forever and a day violating the accepted norms of morality within the company.Firstly the absences of the authoritys trustworthiness negatively affected the employees, as mangers failed to verbalize employees there capability of taking over the helm specially that executives lack atmosphere background, al so employees didnt perceive the authority to be benevolent or to have integrity, and that was clear when Ngqula intractable to cut his management stuff in half to control costs, and suspending four managers for misconduct and failure to baffle wasteful expenditure, at the same time he was criticized by the media for incurring luxury travel expenses, more(prenominal) over his strategy revolved around efficiency, growth and outstanding service, without emphasizing about being helpful, corroborative or loyal to his employees apart from any selfish or profit motive, all those circumstanceors proceedsed in the fact that SAAs employees lack of trust to their managers. Secondly the countrys history over the past long time regarding the racial discrimination influenced the companies policies which resulted in the feeling of injustice and a biased code of ethics among employees, in addition to, the pay raise issue. Despite of the good performance and the growth of the company, managers are referring to the fuel monetary value as a constrain that preventing them from raising the pay, as a result employees belief that the decision outcomes are not allocated using the proper norms because they have contributed to the companys good performance and they deserve more outcome specially that the company had a year profit of $155 million and can soft afford the wage increase, also knowing that there managers are spending money on chop travels and luxurious hotel rooms made them feel that they are not receiving distributive justice. As a result of the former problems, employees dont feel committed to the company, and therefore Ngqula has to fix those problems by regaining employees trust and treating them fairly, this can be done by approving the 8% increase in wages and extend to implement an evaluation performance plan, in order to extend track of employees performance, and lay a roadmap for supply and development.He should include employees training program in his d evelopment strategy, this program should not only stress on their skills but, on the importance of positive communication and culture of kindness in the company as well to increase SAAs employees commitment. Its known that integrity should come from the top managers first, thats why grievous the truth to the employees and sticking to promises will be a good start to regain their trust, also the company should introduces a solid code of ethics that prohibits racial discrimination, protects employees rights and preventing the misuse of the companies resources. Finally introducing different ways to keep employees motivated such as bonuses, pay raise and recognition, this way employees performance will increase, they will be more competitive, creative and committed to the work.

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