Thursday, May 2, 2019

Regulatory Agency Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regulatory Agency Paper - Essay Examplehe goals of Americas criminal justice clients through whirl an all-inclusive correctional healthc ar program, which deals with agency and offender demand in custody, pre-custody and post-custody settings (CHC, 2014). Based in Greenwood Village, Colorado State, the organization oversees over 2,500 workers all across the United States. It has cinque more regional offices plus a full-service health care center also based in Colorado. The organization is currently servicing in 27 states, and they have been developing gradually over the yesteryear age (CHC, 2014). The organization has consolidated and incorporated some of the most valued healthcare providers in the subject to establish one of the leading correctional healthcare services organizations in the United States.CHC is dedicated to offering first-class community-based educational and intercession services for the U.S. criminal justice system. The organization have been offering outpat ient treatment services for many corrections systems clients for over three decades and probation supervision services for over 10 years to roughly around 300 courts (CHC, 2014). In conjunction with their criminal justice partners, Correctional Healthcare Companies, Inc. is dower to resolve a number of the most demanding problems that the correctional system is facing today. Some of the problems include overlook of efficient, evidence-based criminal specific treatment methods and a huge population of psychologically ill wrongdoers who occupy confine and prison beds. Also, there are the uncollected court fees, fines, as well as victim restitution, which are greatly affecting the U.S. criminal justice system (CHC, 2014). Another problem is the reduced budgets for correctional behavioral and mental health treatment plans. America is also facing high recidivism and parole/probation failure evaluate because of behavioral and mental health issues. However, CHC has been influential in implementing programs, which offer effective and responsible

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