Saturday, May 4, 2019

Personal Knowledge Management Journey Assignment

Personal fellowship Management Journey - Assignment Examplethrough experience or association (2) acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique (3) the fact or condition of being aw atomic number 18 of something or, (4) the wave of ones information or understanding the fact or condition of having information or of being conditioned.Scholar Barry Allen (1999) clarifies, having knowledge is to hand the privilege of making a statement pass among others as know or truespeech acts are dialogical, intersubjective exchanges with reciprocal effects on many speakers. Knowledge has its objective (what is known) and its other, the person whom it is offered and received as knowledge, passing over the other as truth (Allen, 1999, p. 71). So it seems that knowledge generation goes through a process.A person engages in certain habits of thinking when faced with a certain problem. Costa & Kallick (2007) define a problem as any stimulus, question, task, phenomenon or discrepan cy for which an write up is not known immediately. That means, a certain amount of knowledge should be on hand to inspection and repair him out or else, such knowledge must be available to him soon so as to be able to solve his problem. Costa and Kallick term certain behaviors or dispositions for such problem-solving as habits of judgment. They qualify that a habit of take heed is having the appropriate disposition toward behaving intelligently when confronted with problems which do not have answers as of yet, at least for the person concerned. When a person draws on his own habits of mind, he gains results which are more powerful, of higher quality and greater significance that if he does not use such habits.In my personal journey seeking for knowledge, I do get to engage in certain habits of mind as I go through the four dimensions of knowledge management, namely the analytical, information, social and learning dimensions. In each dimension, I shall share what I have learned f rom others about each as salubrious as how I go through each dimension, from

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